Giovedì 05 Dicembre 2024
Delphi: entrepreneurial attitudes self-assessment test
Attitudini e Competenze imprenditoriali
Delphi is a self-assessment test for entrepreneurial attitudes designed for aspiring and new entrepreneurs!
Entrepreneurial attitudes, such as, for example, propensity for risk, creativity, the ability to establish good human relationships, etc., often affect the chances of success of a business. Only a few people have all these qualities together. Often, those who are capable of facing risks are not patient; those who can cope with stress are not creative, and so on.
For this reason it is very useful, especially for those who want to start their own business, to know the strengths and weaknesses of their own personality, to improve the weak points, or to look for travel companions with characteristics complementary to their own.
Click here to join the test!
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